Vision and Values
School Vision
“Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young,
but set an example in what you say and how you live.” 1 Timothy 4:12
The apostle Paul encouraged his apprentice, Timothy, to “not let anyone look down on you because you are young” and to “set the example in what you say and in how you live.” In the same way, at Winchcombe Abbey, we seek for all of our pupils to set a godly example in all they think, speak and do. In light of this, we believe that our pupils will go on to flourish beyond our school and set the example for their friends, family and communities.
As a result of our Christian faith at Winchcombe Abbey, we recognise our responsibility to show love and respect to all. We, therefore, desire to enrich the lives of the individuals and families within our school and wider community.
In light of this, our school family provides a purposeful, creative and memorable curriculum, which values the uniqueness of every child. Rooted in Christian values, our ambitious curriculum, inspires a life-long love of learning and serves to prepare all children for the future by encouraging them to be curious, resilient and independent individuals. In this way, our curriculum instils in our children the courage to be all that they can be as children of God.
Our carefully planned and resourced curriculum encourages each child to ASPIRE to be the best that they can be. With this in mind, our approaches to teaching and learning empower children to understand that even though they are young, there are no limits to what they can achieve. As a consequence of this, our pupils SEEK the answers to big questions about the world around them and reflect on their place within it. Our curriculum facilitates this by ensuring that their understanding is grounded in the wisdom of the past and filled with high expectations for the future.
Finally, our vibrant curriculum enables our pupils to grow and flourish in what they BELIEVE, not only about themselves but about others and the world in which they live. This development and growth are the result of a rigorous and inclusive curriculum which challenges all pupils and promotes the understanding that all children can ACHIEVE success.
Christian Values
We have drawn up a set of core values in conjunction with staff, children and governors which permeate the whole school and its ethos. We believe that these values are demonstrated in the life of Jesus as he walked the earth. The way we act and the way we expect the children and parents to act are based on these tenets. As we share these values and behave according to these we are sharing the love of Jesus with each person we meet .
These values are:
Respect, Courage, Humility, Forgiveness,
Truth, Fairness, Responsibility, Compassion
We ensure that children across the school understand these core values on a practical level. Each of our values is rooted in biblical scriptures which not only maintains their Christian foundation but also develops a sense of sharing the Christian message. Every school year begins with a series of lessons on how these values will be demonstrated as individuals, class and whole school body. Thereafter, each week we focus on one particular value through our worship and class work, sharing in the biblical message and looking at practical ways in which we can demonstrate our values within our school, our community and within the wider world..
With the help of a parent, who is a secondary school art teacher, our children created some stunning artwork which represents and celebrates our values.