Enrichment Activities
At Winchcombe Abbey we are proud of the enrichment opportunities we offer our pupils. These provide opportunities for children to find out their strengths and interests beyond the curriculum; children are able to explore what motivates them, what they enjoy and how they can build on success. Some children thrive when participating in sport while others find enjoyment in creative activities or in the outdoors.
Extra-Curricular Clubs
All children from Year 1 upwards have the chance to choose from a range of after school clubs and activities each term. In the past these have included hockey, rugby, football, dance, gymnastics, rounders, cricket, board games, choir, art, sewing, STEM club, and many more! In addition to extra-curricular clubs, children have opportunities to participate in competitions with other local schools, including Cross Country, Football and Athletics at the Prince of Wales stadium.
Music Tuition
We offer music tuition for a range of instruments. Parents may contact the school office for further details if they are interested in their child participating in lessons.
Residential Trips
All pupils at Winchcombe Abbey have the opportunity to experience two residential stays with their peers. During the Spring Term, our Year 4 pupils spend two nights at the Wilderness Centre in the Forest of Dean. This beautiful country house is set in 30 acres of grounds with spectacular views of the River Severn. We have exclusive use of the site and during the week children take part in a variety of activities within the grounds of the centre including archery, bushcraft, crate-stack and orienteering.
In the Autumn Term of Year 6, pupils spend 4 nights at St. George’s House Christian Outdoor Centre in Georgeham, North Devon. Less than 2 miles from some spectacular beaches, children participate in several outdoor challenges including surfing, abseiling, canoeing and archery.
Both trips are a real highlight of the year for many children and are an opportunity to boost confidence and build resilience, not to mention create lifelong memories.