We encourage children to wear school uniform because we believe it gives them a pride in their personal appearance and helps them to identify with the school. Our uniform can be purchased with or without a logo from all major retail outlets and second hand stores.
We do have an online ordering provider should you wish to purchase logo'd items for school. The provider is School Trends and they supply logo'd items such as sweatshirts, sweat cardigans, polo shirts, fleece jackets, reversible coats and bookbags.
School Trends link is below.
Autumn and Spring Term
- Grey or black trousers, shorts, skirt or dress.
- White shirt or polo shirt
- Red sweatshirt or cardigan
- Grey/black/white socks or grey/black warm tights
- Sensible, flat shoes – preferably black or brown
- An overall or painting shirt with sleeves is useful for practical art/crafts activities
Summer Term
As above or:
- Red and white check summer dress
- Substantial sandals (secure back and top strap) in black or brown
P.E. Kit
Please ensure appropriate clothing is worn on PE days and school uniform on other days.
PE Kit consists of:
- A polo shirt/t-shirt in your child's correct house colour
- Black shorts
- Black jogging bottoms/leggings
- A plain black jumper/ plain house colour/ red school jumper
- Suitable footwear
Please ensure that the kit they come to school in is weather appropriate.