School contact details, opening hours and multi academy information

School contact details:-

School postal address - Winchcombe Abbey Primary School, Back Lane, Winchcombe GL545PZ 

School email -

Chair of the Governing Body email -

School phone number - 01242 602447  

Our School Office is manned by: 

Mrs Jo Clarke - School Secretary

Miss Ella Thorne - School Secretary 

Mrs Clarke and Miss Thorne are happy to deal with any queries you have and are the members of staff who deal with queries from parents and other members of the public. 


Head teacher - Mrs Sally Johnson 

Chair of Governors - Mrs Lynne Banks

SENCO - Miss Rebecca Eva (covering maternity leave)

SENCO - Mrs Abigail Compton (maternity leave)


All members of staff can be contacted at the above address and email.

The school is part of the Diocese of Gloucester Academies Trust 

Address - 3 College Green, Gloucester GL12LR

Telephone number - 01452835572 

School opening hours 

Our school is open Monday to Friday 

Registration begins at 8:50am each day (pupils may access the classrooms from 8:40am ) 

School finishes at 3:15pm 


**From September 2024, classroom doors will open at 8.35am and close at 8.45am. Children need to be in school by 8.45 at the latest. The school day will continue to end at 3.15 pm** 


The weekly school opening hours equate to 32 hours and 5 minutes each week.