Winchcombe Abbey CE Primary School values all pupils and celebrates diversity of experience, interest and achievement. All pupils need to experience praise, recognition and success, and pupils with SEND have equal entitlement to this. We believe that every child matters; all children have the right to full inclusion. We support and work alongside each child to ensure that access to the full National Curriculum is obtained with respect to each individual need.

If you have any concerns or wish to discuss SEND at our school, please do not hesitate to contact me:

Abigael Compton


SEND team

The SEND team within the school is:

  • SENDCo: Mrs Abigael Compton

• Class teachers to provide Quality First Teaching.

• Class Teaching Assistants to provide support to children within the classroom, and undertaking specific interventions for small groups or individuals.

• 1:1 Teaching Assistants to support children with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) under the direction of the Class Teacher

• Pastoral team (Mrs Compton, Mrs Bullock and Mr Lewis) to provide emotional and behavioural support for parents and individual pupils when needed.


The Four Main Areas of SEND

If your child has been identified as SEND, it will be determined which of the four areas, will be their main area of need. We promote the ethos of Quality First Teaching within school, to adapt and meet learning needs. We will then follow the process of Assess-plan-do-review alongside parents/carers, to determine the next steps for your child.

Communication & Interaction

  • ASC
  • Speech, learning and communication (SLCN)

Cognition & Learning 

  • Specific learning difficulty (SpLD)
  • Mild to moderate learning difficulty (MLD)
  • Severe learning difficulty (SLD)
  • Profound multiple learning difficulty (PMLD)

Social, Emotional & Mental Health

  • Children and young people with SEMH may have the following mental health difficulties: anxiety, withdrawn or feeling isolated, having challenging and disturbing behaviour, self-harming, depression, eating disorder, and substance misuse.

Sensory and/or Physical

  • Visual impairment (VI)
  • Hearing impairment (HI)
  • Multi-sensory impairment (MSI)
  • Physical disability (PD)

Any child who requires special help will be referred, after prior consultation with the Parents/Carers, to one of the support services e.g. Speech Therapy, Educational Psychology, Behavioural Support, School Nurse, Occupational Therapy and Vision Support.

Support given

In our school, support is delivered by our class teachers as well as our well qualified support teachers. Occasionally, specialist teachers and services may be used to complement this provision.

Additional support is given to children in a variety of different ways:

•All children, including those with additional or special needs, have access to quality first teaching from their class teacher, including effective scaffolding and modelling.

•Through an adapted curriculum, when necessary, breaking down the learning into smaller manageable chunks.

•Through support from qualified adults who work with a small group of pupils on a focused aspect of learning. This may be in or out of the classroom, depending on need.

•One to one support as appropriate.

•Use of appropriate resources to allow the child to access the curriculum eg laptops, enhanced text, magnifiers or surround sound system.

•For children with specific learning needs, visual timetables, social stories, pre teaching, sensory awareness and breaks may be used to ensure access to the curriculum.



Here is an example of some of the interventions we run:

  • Daily reading programmes
  • Phonic development
  • Fizzy programme to support fine and gross motor skills
  • Handwriting groups
  • Circle of Friends
  • Reading comprehension groups
  • Speaking & Listening Groups
  • Nurture
  • Number stacks


Useful links and information:

SENDIASS Gloucestershire:

Teens in crisis +:


The Disabled Children and Young People Service:

The local offer: Support for Families with SEND - Gloucestershire's Local Offer | Glosfamilies Directory

Our SEND Policy:

Our SEND information report:

Our graduated pathway document: